
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Moanalua Gardens

It was such a beautiful day yesterday, we all decided to go to Moanalua Gardens and have a picnic with friends. We met up with Minnie , Leina and Mika and pulled out a blankie and had some Mickey D's and Soon's bbq.

Everytime I go to the park, I always see some new upgrades. They have these awesome wood benches around the park, the bathrooms are nice, and there is a concession stand that sells goodies. (thanks goodness the concession stand was open, I did not bring enough water to hydrate ourselves! )

We wanted to take pictures of the kids and do a small kine photo shoot with our outfits. Well, the photo shoot with our outfits didn't go so well. I realized it's so much harder to be alone in a picture and have to pose. I was a major goofball and felt 'll see that in the pictures :)

Enjoy the pics!



MindlessMatterz said...

Wowwwww... beautiful pictures! I LOVE the one of the girls! Wish I could have made it...

JAHook photo said...

I like that tree picture.

I noticed those awesome wood benches last time I was there too, really nice.
Go Kids!!!

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